Wednesday, July 2, 2014

An Interview with Matthew C. Martino, author of Lets Fly

Well, I've finally got my own book back on the tracks. The, as of yet, un-titled, YA sci-fi novel that I've been writing got an additional three chapters this past weekend after an extremely long hiatus. Hopefully this summer brings me much closer to finishing this thing, but honestly, who knows.

Right. Enough about me, let's meet our newest author interviewee. Today, we are speaking with Matthew C. Martino, author of Lets Fly.

-Thanks for joining us today, Matthew. For starters, what do you want our readers to know about your book, Lets Fly?
MATTHEW: A pleasure, Lets Fly is not just another aviation book. I was looking to cut out the corporate and ‘geeky’ style that other aviation books approach by using a simple approach and using layman terms which make the book readable by pretty much anyone.

-This isn’t the only book you’ve written, right?
MATTHEW: No it isn’t. I also penned a book for aspiring business people which I dubbed Go For It. This one I wanted to aim mainly at young people. The target market remains open to anyone who has an interest in starting their own business.

-How did your own life experiences/interests help in writing Lets Fly?
MATTHEW: When I was a little boy in Africa I used to spot planes and then I moved on to collecting model aircraft. once moving to the UK. My journey towards my first flight really drove me to writing the book, as it seemed impossible at times.

-You were born in Zimbabwe, eventually relocating to the U.K. Can you share with us anything about your childhood and growing up in Africa?
MATTHEW: Growing up in Africa obviously isn’t the best kick start, however I got good life values including being polite, well-spoken and respectful and these are ethos I can use in my day to day life. Also growing up in Zimbabwe made me able to use the little that I can to get far.

-The majority of our readers are new authors looking to make it big. Talk to us a little about any roadblocks that you have encountered in the publishing world and if there’s any advice that you can give to the rest of us.
MATTHEW: I think the biggest roadblock will be proofreaders, editors and publishers telling you your book is no good. Don’t let this get to you and although self-publishing is an option, I would recommend you still send your manuscript out to publishers as they will better your content. My other advice is to invest in marketing your book.

-You’re also an actor?
MATTHEW: I have had a few moments in front of the camera but I now fancy my chances behind it.

-Are you currently working on any new projects? What’s next for Matthew Martino?
MATTHEW: At the moment I’ve been having a bit of a time out from producing films. I’m working on forming a new arm of Lets Fly Academy which will retail pilot books and equipment. I’m also in talks to back some film organizations for initiatives to assist young filmmakers.

-Anything else at all you’d like to share with us about Lets Fly or any of your other works?
MATTHEW: I would like to ask any feedback or input regarding Lets Fly, Lets Fly App and Lets Fly Academy, I made this trio to better life for aspiring pilots and aviation geeks so I would like to know what information or resources they would like me to add to make it more useful to them.

-Brief teaser for Lets Fly:
Lets Fly: ‘Get your wings and let your career take-off’

-Where can we buy Lets Fly?
MATTHEW: Lets Fly is available on Amazon, Book Depository, Good Reads and other aviation book stores.
Great stuff, Matthew. Looking forward to reading more from you and learning about how your life lead you to the skies. Thanks for sharing Lets Fly with all of us!
More to come soon, folks. Find us on Twitter @BookTalkGuy and @RimerTom

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