Monday, April 10, 2017

Interview with Rashida Costa, Author of 365 Days Smarter: Get Through Your Year Successfully With These 365 Quotes

       My book-seeking friends and fellow authors, it is good to see you all again! Thanks for stopping by. Today, on our un-ending quest for knowledge and insight into the tricks and trades of the publishing world, we're hearing from Rashida Costa, the author of 365 Days Smarter: Get Through Your Year Successfully With These 365 Quotes. Let's see what she has to share with us!
How long have you been writing and how did you get started?
Rashida: Writing for me began at an early age. Originating written works is a passion that has reckoned with me for as long as my memory serves. It started with comprehensible journaling in the first grade that my friends enjoyed. Gradually, the transition to poetry was a natural one, since aesthetic expression is always something I gravitate towards. In journaling and poetry writing, a deep path is travelled and lived through time, and every moment mirrors a life experience that leaves you wanting to include the outside world. Thus, authoring is the next natural step that complements and supports that journey.

What was the inspiration behind 365 Days Smarter?
Rashida: I wanted to provide people with a little piece of gem to get through their day. Distractions and disappointments present themselves in many forms, but being armed with the tools to vanquish them makes for a productive and happy journey. There are no hard or fast rules about which quote is applicable on a given day, in any order, that is highly subjective. The idea is to apply each quote as it applies to your existence and experience on that particular day. Obstacles, challenges, and disappointments are a given. It is of vital importance that these interferences do not successfully deter us from our goals and purpose.
       365 Days Smarter was published independently. Can you share with us why you decided to go that route?
Rashida: To be endowed with my creative freedom is a benefit I enjoy. This of course is a personal choice, and will be subjective across the board.

What has the response to this book been so far?
Rashida: I am truly humbled by the supportive responses that I have received. It is truly an honor and a blessing to see so many people resonating with the message.

You are also a children's book author. Do you have any new books for kids on the horizon?
Rashida: Yes, I am exhilarated about my soon to be released book, The Easter Egg Opens Up To The Bunny. The Easter Egg Opens up To the Bunny is about an egg and a rabbit that are best friends sharing their Easter experiences. It hits on the educational aspect while discovering a fun delivery and unique learning style for children. The book’s essential purpose is not just to have a fun read and a few laughs, but to educate as well.
What advice can you give to new authors just getting started exploring the publishing world?
Rashida: Your vision is not always received through the same set of eyes, so no matter what, believe in yourself and keep going. You have a story to tell, and it is not how the story gets told that matters, but that you are heard.

If you could meet any author, living or dead, who would it be and what would you talk about?
Rashida: The legendary Maya Angelou of course, the lenses through which I see the world. A topic of discussion would undoubtedly be her marriage to Greek Electrician and aspiring musician Tosh Angelos. As someone who married interracially through the eyes of the world, but in a different era, I can’t imagine what her narrative account would be. Her strength and courage to live through and be a survivor of the condemnation of interracial relationships at the time, is truly a demonstration of who she was as a person. She always showed a laudable sense of commitment to her truth and that is one of many things I love about her. One of the quotes in my book 365 Days smarter is “People are like crayons they come in different colors, but there is no rank or degree of importance with one crayon over another.” Rashida Costa. Maya lived from this perspective.

What are your thoughts on dusty old bookstores?
Rashida: A treasure to be had. Since the ones from my grandfather’s library are all gone, penetrating the back of the bookshelf of an older used book store always saves the day for me. I am always in for a treat!

Who, in particular, should pick up a copy of 365 Days Smarter?
Rashida: Life experiences do not discriminate, we all live them, good and bad. Therefore, everyone should pick up a copy, as it will not only serve as a compass, but as that drive you need to keep going and achieve the greatest you.
 Where can we buy it?
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